Do you know the best way to get a man to listen?
Most women approach conversations with men, both when dating and in relationships, by trying to talk and say the things that would work FOR THEM.
For example, you believe that sharing your feelings and emotions SHOULD get a man to respond in kind, and listen.
And why not?
That’s what you do with your girlfriends all the time.
The more you share emotions and feelings with other women, the more connected you feel.
It’s not rocket-science that things work differently with a man.
But it is the case that VERY FEW women can tell you how to make a man feel open, honest, and genuinely excited and inspired to communicate with you in a real, lasting, long-term relationship.
In fact, quite the opposite is true if you ask men…
Lots of men feel irritated by the kind of communication they share with the woman in their life.
Even if they love and respect the woman they are with.
Say what!?
But how could this be?
You know this could be true, because you probably feel this way with the man in your life right nowtoo – you love him, but the communication you share isn’t going to lead to either of you being happy, or a secure and fulfilling relationship.
It’s hard to finally come to these kinds of realizations… but when you do there is a ton of POWER and GROWTH in them that move you and everything in your life forward.
Including your relationship…
If you don’t have the kind of connection with a man that allows you to be honest with how you feel… talk about important aspects of your relationship… or say things to each other that aren’t easy to say… then it’s time you stopped living the sort of love life you’re living.
It’s time you gave yourself, and the man in your life, the gift of being able to communicate in a way that will allow your relationship, and both of you as individuals, to grow at the same time.
It’s time to stop trying what you think good communication is for you and a man… and start using WHAT WORKS.
One of the most important secrets you’ll ever learn about communicating and building a secure and honest relationship is that there are ALWAYS two sides to every story.
In fact, there are usually more than two sides to any story.
If you don’t learn how to understand the story that a man is experiencing… and what’s going on inside HIS mind and heart… then odds are you’re NEVER going to be able to have that deep emotional understanding in the way that you both communicate.
And you’re never going to get that same kind of understanding back from a man either.
It doesn’t seem fair, but the world works in mysterious ways.
If you want a man to open up and talk with you in a way that he’s probably never done before with any other woman… then you’re going to have to be able to communicate with him first in a way that lets him know you’re not like any of the other women he’s been with.
I know this sounds like a lot of work and responsibility… but the beauty is this:
1. You’re going to be working towards and wanting a better relationship anyway
2. The more you can understand a man… the more he’s going to give back to you in kindBut here the best part…
I’ve already done all the heavy-lifting and the homework for you..
I’ve created an entire program that will show you exactly how to break out of the old communication patterns you’re stuck in… and instantly move into the kind of easy and free way of being with a man that makes you both feel happy and passionate about spending your time together.
I’ve broken down the hidden language of how men share their emotions with women… and why they respond the way they do.
My breakthrough program I created to teach you everything you’ll ever need to know about communicating with a man and building a secure relationship as a result is here:
Communication Secrets For A Secure Relationship
If you go to this link, you can read exactly what this program will help you with… what questions it answers… and even get some more free tips for dramatically improving your communication with men.
One of my favorite ideas is that the quality of your communication is measured by the RESPONSE you get.
Think about it.
And now tell me… what RESPONSE are you getting from a man?
Are you getting a positive response from him… all the time?
If not, then I STRONGLY SUGGEST you try out my Communication Secrets For A Secure Relationship CD/DVD program today.
It will instantly jump-start the quality of communication you and a man share… and therefore the RESPONSE you get from him.
Don’t wait ’til it’s too late…
I’ll give you all the details, and ship you a free copy of this program for a full month if you go here now:
Communication Secrets For A Secure Relationship
I’ll talk to you again soon, and best of luck in Life and Love.
Your Friend,
Christian Carter
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