If you’re at all familiar with astrology, then you’ve probably heard that anyone born under the sign of Gemini is supposed to be two-faced.
Or that they have a “split” personality – the implication also being that you just can’t trust them.
Well, before I tell you if that’s true or not, let’s see what history has to say about this endlessly fascinating sign…
In Greek mythology the twins of Gemini were brothers who were the sons of Zeus and the mortal woman, Leda. Their sister was the famous Helen, whose beautiful face launched the Trojan War…
When the twins died, they were reunited by Zeus as stars in close proximity in the night sky…
Sailors consider the twins of Gemini to be the protector of ships, saying the famous oath, “By Jimini…”
Well, in ancient Vedic astrological lore, the story is quite different.