What do women who are NOT as attractive or smart as you know about attracting men and driving them “crazy” with desire?
You know the kind of women I’m talking about.
They’re not necessarily supermodels or highly successful or even all that “together” sometimes.
But they have a “natural” ability to be irresistible to men, so men are always asking them out and working hard for their attention.
They also have an “easy” time with relationships because keeping a guy interested in something real and long-term never seems to be a problem.
So if it’s not about “looks” or “brains” or even PHYSICAL attraction, what’s it about? What is it about a woman that triggers that deep longing in a man?
If you’re interested in becoming the kind of woman who naturally ATTRACTS a man for MORE than a dead-end and “going nowhere” kind of relationship, then go to the link below now and read about the SECRETS to natural and lasting ATTRACTION.
Be sure to watch the video clips at the bottom of the page, too:
Natural and Lasting Attraction
There’s a huge mistake you are probably making right now with men you’re attracted to and would like to date.
And you are probably making it within the first five minutes of meeting them.
What’s worse is that most men will see and recognize this mistake INSTANTLY.
Don’t believe me? Read on and find out if you’re guilty of this common mistake, and then learn how to STOP doing it immediately and transform “dating” into the fun, exciting, and successful process of truly connecting with a man.
Now, let me ask you something…
When you start talking to a man who you’re “interested” in, what is your attitude toward him?
How do you treat him?
And what are you THINKING ABOUT?
Do you start the interaction by trying to figure out if he’s single and how to get him to be into you?
Do you assume that if he’s anything close to attractive and interesting, then he’s probably married or has a girlfriend?
And if he is “taken,” do you secretly hope that he isn’t too into her and that he’ll take notice of YOU?
Here’s one that I know you’ve probably done at some point in your life. Maybe you’re even doing it now:
You meet a guy who is absolutely your TYPE and you’d love for him to be interested in you enough to ask you out, but you PRETEND you’re not “into him” that way, and instead you look away when he looks at you, get busy in a conversation with someone when he approaches you, or you distract yourself with something right after you talk so he can’t see how nervous you feel?
And do you do these things hoping he’ll make a “move” or do or say something that will send a signal that he’s interested in you, too?
If you are thinking, “yeah, that totally sounds like the kind of stuff I do when I meet someone I’m attracted to!” then you’re not alone.
The fact is, most women make the same mistake when trying to spark interest in a man.
They leave it up to men, or to “fate,” to decide what happens in their situation – and are UNAWARE of what kind of signals they’re actually sending to the guy.
They think they’re making the right move by “playing it cool” but in reality they’re coming off as disinterested, boring or maybe just “cold.”
Hmm…not the way you’d want a man you’re interested in to describe you, is it?
Now, most women won’t ADMIT that in reality, when they meet a man they’re attracted to, they will try to do or say whatever it takes to get his attention and interest – if they only knew what that was.
And they won’t ADMIT that they’re even mentally anticipating what a man is going to think or do so they can respond to it in the “right” way.
The reality is that women spend a lot of time THINKING about how to attract a good man, instead of doing the things that actually draw a good man to them.
And they do this ALL THE TIME.
Let me explain…
Out of a random sample of 100 handsome guys, you’d probably find that only 20 of them (or so) are:
- Single
- Emotionally stable and at least semi-mature
- Able to carry on an interesting conversation
- Open to a relationship, should the right woman come along
- Not a player, or looking for just “fun”
This is just an estimate from my own personal experience, but I think you get the point.
Now, here’s the important part of this concept…
Let’s say that you started talking to all of these 100 men, one after the other, and you had to use the same basic attitude and conversational style with each of them.
What would you do?
If you treated all of them like they were probably NOT single, interesting, stable, open, mature, etc, (which is the case for most of them), then you’d probably scare off the single ones who actually were the good ones, because they’d think YOU were acting strange, or that something was “off” with you.
For instance, let’s say you started a conversation with a very attractive guy who was open-minded and funny.
But let’s say that you were “playing it cool”, not saying anything that might offend or appear “too forward”, and generally treating him and talking to him like he might be a good “friend.”
You’d probably be trying to figure out if he was single, what his “story” was, and ask him some questions to get to know a bit about him.
“So what do you do?”
“Where are you from?”
“How did you get so funny?”
And then, when the conversation was over and even though he hadn’t asked for your number, you’d give it to him and say, “So, why don’t you call me sometime?”
And what is this hot, smart, desirable man thinking while you say this?
Right… unless he’s purely physically attracted to you, he’s thinking that you and he didn’t really “hit it off” and that you must be kind of desperate to ask him out when you didn’t share any real “chemistry” or connection.
(Remember, you were playing it cool the whole time… You weren’t flirting, you weren’t trying to do or say anything that gave away how you really felt. All you were doing was asking him a bunch of questions about his everyday life. BORING!)
Now, let’s take the flip side of talking to these 100 men.
Stay with me here.
Let’s say that you treated ALL of the 100 attractive men like they were fun, open, smart, available, interesting, etc.
What would happen?
Well, you’d probably start flirting with them all right from the beginning, or you’d communicate very quickly that you weren’t just another woman asking them about their job or trying to be “friendly.”
And what would happen?
Well, as you can imagine, a lot of the men who were either unavailable or unable to have a normal conversation would “reject” you. Especially if you were obviously open, available, but not a push-over at the same time (letting them know that you were the one doing the “choosing”, and that only “real men” would be considered).
Well, for most women, the THOUGHT of being “rejected” by a man they’re interested in is worse than slow water torture or electric shock.
So what do women do?
They don’t even try.
And they miss the opportunities with all of those wonderful, single, open, emotionally available men who are out looking for a woman who has the confidence to find them.
So what’s the solution?
The solution is to use a little “strategy” or “technique” called behaving AS IF he’s single, available, and interesting.
You must learn to overcome your initial self-doubt and your doubts about a man, and behave AS IF every man you start talking to is SINGLE and AS IF he’s going to be a great guy.
And then you must do some things that will attract THAT man, and forget about what might happen with the other 80% of guys who can’t make the grade.
And you must learn to NOT take the things that happen in between meeting the wonderful ones PERSONALLY.
There’s an old principle when it comes to marketing and advertising that really applies here in the real world.
It basically says that out of 100 people reading your ad or seeing your commercial, maybe ONE of them is someone who would buy your product anyway.
To put it another way: “Don’t worry about the DOGS, concentrate on selling the FOXES.”
This is a great metaphor I borrowed from a smart writer I know named Gary Halbert.
The point is… talk to the men you meet AS IF they’re single, open, interesting, and wonderful.
And then don’t worry about the ones that don’t turn out to actually BE single, open, interesting, available, and wonderful.
Use the things you’re learning from me, and KEEP USING THEM… even if they don’t work every time, and in every situation.
There are all kinds of reasons why men aren’t “ready” or interested… or stop being interested… or whatever.
But this doesn’t mean that you should stop doing what works!
…which leads me to my next point.
You’re probably wondering… “Christian, so how do I behave AS IF the man I am meeting will likely turn out to be a good guy… or even be my “Mr. Right”?
Good question. I’ll tell you how…
When you first start talking to a man, your BELIEFS about men, dating, and relationships are CRITICAL.
If you don’t know how to communicate in a way that INSTANTLY shows a man that you’re one of the women who “gets it”, has confidence, and is attractive both inside and out… then you’ll probably be overlooked and mentally discounted by a man within SECONDS.
Or a man will want to be with you for the WRONG REASONS, or for only a short and uncertain amount of time.
Of course, in order to PROJECT the correct beliefs that are attractive to men, you must KNOW WHAT THEY ARE, and UNDERSTAND THEM.
In other words, you can’t just “fake” them. You actually have to have a DEEP understanding of how men think, and what makes them feel a POWERFUL, gut-level emotional ATTRACTION for a woman.
It’s taken me YEARS to figure out this critical point in dating and relationships…and several more years to observe and study so I could help women do this quickly and easily.
And without doing all kinds of “kooky” and out there stuff, or stuff that doesn’t feel “real.”
Like not calling a guy back right away, or pretending you’re busy when you’re not, or saying one thing but feeling another (WITHOUT a smile on your face as you’re saying it).
Anyway, you get what all of that means.
No one likes to play “games”, or have games played with them.
There is a way to completely AVOID PLAYING GAMES and get straight to the kind of connection and indirect communication that brings a man and a woman closer than by simply using words.
You can’t learn to be a professional opera singer or an expert in martial arts just by learning a few “techniques.”
It takes a DEEPER, more profound understanding.
And you can’t learn how to be become more successful in your single life, or in your relationship by learning a few of the right things to say.
It just doesn’t work this way.
(Think of men who believe in and try to use “pick-up lines” on women.)
This is why I’m not going to give you a list of “pick up lines” to say to men to spark their interest in this e-mail, because it just won’t work for you unless you understand the ATTITUDE that has to come before any words come out of your mouth.
After spending literally YEARS seeing women I know making mistakes, seeing them trying different things, and putting the pieces together in my own studies, observation, and teaching…I’ve created a systematic way for women to learn ALL of the various aspects of how to be successful with men and dating.
And I’ve created a few specific educational tools so you can learn this skill… right from the comfort of your own home.
The most powerful tool to get you started is my “Natural & Lasting Attraction” program.
It’s 6 full hours of digital CD Audio or DVD Video material, plus a detailed workbook.
I teach everything from the ground up:
- How and why men are attracted to some women and not others
- Specific techniques to use to get a man’s attention FAST and keep him coming back for more again and again
- Interviews with 3 amazing guest experts who are masters in their own area of knowledge related to dating
- How to overcome fears of meeting and dating men
- The 6 essential keys to ATTRACTION you need to know in order to take your relationship beyond just a physical bond, and create the kind of deep EMOTIONAL CONNECTION with a man that will LAST
And there’s lots more in this program.
You’ll want to go through this material SEVERAL times before you want to put it down…and in fact, you’ll probably keep reviewing the material for some time.
If you’d like to listen to some audio samples and see a sample clip of the video, just go here (this is also where you can order):
Natural and Lasting Attraction
Oh, and one CRITICAL thing you need to know when you’re with a man and you want to move your relationship into a more CERTAIN, SECURE, COMMITTED place, is exactly how to get there with him.
Lots of women go their WHOLE LIVES never learning how love and commitment actually works for a man.
As you probably already know, a man can be very RESISTANT to committing to a relationship with a woman… EVEN IF HE LOVES HER.
In other words, just because a man falls for you, it doesn’t always mean that he’ll feel like TRULY COMMITTING to you.
If you know a man feels strongly for you, or even loves you… and you are having trouble growing the relationship and moving forward together into a more SECURE and CERTAIN place, then it’s time you checked out the program I created just for you. It’s called “From Casual To Committed.”
Go here right now to watch some great sample video clips from this program and see what other real women like you have to say about it…
I’ll talk to you again soon, and best of luck in life and love.
Your Friend,
Christian Carter
P.S. If your relationships start out STRONG but end up in DISASTER, then you may actually be doing all kinds of things that are triggering a negative response in a man’s mind without even knowing it.
The number one mistake a lot of women make when they’re dating someone they’re really into is to try to CONVINCE him he should want or feel more.
They do this by telling him how great the relationship is and how he should be feeling more or taking the “next step” in the relationship.
Whether that’s telling you how he feels, or moving on to a more committed relationship with you, or spending more time with you.
If you’re doing this without knowing exactly what it takes to CREATE those kind of feelings in him, or what will make him want to commit to you and love you for his OWN REASONS, then you’re just spinning your wheels.
You can’t “convince” a man to feel what he feels.
Learn what it takes for a man to fall in love with you and ONLY you, and how to keep his commitment to you for the long-term by reading this:
Maria says
so where is the part about when acting cool doesnt work for you?