How happy are you with your love life?
Are you in a great relationship with a loving and considerate man with a LOT of great qualities, who feels as committed to you as you are to him?
Or are you disappointed because your relationship isn’t going the way you had hoped it would with the man you’re with now?
Do you find yourself saying, “I thought he was going to be different than the last guy“, and it seemed like it would be AT FIRST.
But the SAME PROBLEMS are happening again.
Problems like:
- You have a hard time expressing how you feel and when you finally do say something, a lot of unnecessary “drama” ruins things
- You find a guy you really connect with but you sense he’s either lying to you or even seeing other women
- You keep getting into situations with men who seem great and really into you AT FIRST… but never really want to commit or have a “real” relationship with you
…and other destructive patterns that keep popping up OVER and OVER again, no matter HOW different the guy seems at first, or how much you think you’ve “learned” from your last failed relationship.
These patterns don’t always mean that you have bad luck in love, or even that “there are no good men out there“…although often this is EXACTLY what women think.
And it’s what I hear all the time from women looking for advice.
They keep getting into new relationships with men who are 180 degrees the opposite of their last guy- more attractive, more ambitious, more attentive.
But after a few weeks or months they realize that the same “problems” are happening that happened before with the LAST guy.
He stopped calling.
Or doesn’t call for many days after a particularly passionate “date”.
He’s more focused on work and his friends than on you.
It felt very “intense” and exciting at first, but now the relationship feels increasingly DISCONNECTED…
He says inconsiderate things, breaks dates, shows up late…and has generally become a real “jerk”.
And you find yourself stuck in the same place again… frustrated, misunderstood and hopeless that you’ll EVER find a man who has his act together or who you feel really passionate about.
By the way, do you ever find yourself talking with a girlfriend about what’s wrong with your man and see her eyes glaze over with that look that says, “I’ve heard this all before!“?
That’s a bad sign.
It really is.
It tells me something about what’s going on at a DEEPER LEVEL with you and your relationships.
You know what it tells me?
It tells me that you’re looking for something or someone OUTSIDE yourself for understanding, love and fulfillment.
What it also tells me is that you don’t really know YOURSELF as well as you think you do.
There is one common thing that is AT THE ROOT of all your relationships that have ever failed, and when you step back and take a really long hard look at it, you will finally “see” what needs to be healed or addressed.
You know what that is?
It’s YOU.
It’s the way you relate to others.
It’s your fears, your dreams, your past pain and what drives and motivates you in relationships and life.
Let me give you a very basic example of what I’m talking about.
Let’s say that in every one of your relationships, you have a hard time SPEAKING UP or BEING HEARD.
You don’t know why, and maybe you’re not even conscious of it when it happens. You just figure you’re not going to talk about what’s bugging you because you’re “keeping the peace” or “letting it slide” for now.
(There are a lot of stories we tell ourselves to cover up what’s really going on deeper.)
The guy does or says something that hurts your feelings or angers you, and you either don’t say anything or you “hint around” about how you’re feeling or you give him the silent treatment to “show” him how hurt you are.
This goes on for a while.
You begin realizing that you’re not happy in the relationship…and maybe your guy isn’t all that happy, either.
That’s because he probably can sense a “vibe” from you that makes him feel criticized… and that translates into a man feeling INADEQUATE or UNABLE TO MAKE YOU HAPPY.
Can you guess where the story goes from here?
That’s right. You can’t hold back your feelings and you LASH OUT at him one day.
And the worst part is that you STILL can’t seem to be honest about why you’re really upset.
So you end up “accidentally” sharing your hurt and frustrated feelings in an INDIRECT and PASSIVE way – which gets you nowhere good in your relationship.
When relationships do survive this kind of tension and resentment- it’s not pretty.
And BOTH people in the relationship end up unhappy.
Truly a Lose/Lose for you and him.
You might know what I’m talking about here from experience.
Let me ask you something.
And please try and be as open and honest as you can about it –
You might see PATTERNS you have in your relationships because the kind of men you end up with or choose.
But going deeper…
What if the real reason you keep experiencing these same kinds of troubled dead-end relationships isn’t all about HIM?
What if a lot of it has to do with YOU?
What if, on an UNCONSCIOUS LEVEL, you were brought up around negative or unhealthy relationships…
And because of this, without you trying… you end up in the same kind of unhealthy and
unfulfilling relationships?
Think about it for a second.
And to take some of my own medicine here, I’ll ask the question more directly-
Did you have parents who were great MODELS for how to have a loving relationship?
And, perhaps more importantly…
Did you have a father or father figure who showed you what a REAL MAN looks like, and how he thinks and acts and feels in a healthy relationship?
The unfortunate truth is… most women have NEVER even seen or met a man who showed them what a great man is like.
Now… I don’t believe in using the past as a crutch, or as an excuse for the present and the future.
That is the definition of powerlessness in life.
But the reality is that the earliest and first relationships we saw and had are the ones that made the greatest IMPRESSION on our view of love and of relationships as a whole.
Knowing this…
How do you avoid STAYING POWERLESS, and not be a “victim” of your past, or of what you didn’t have when you were younger?
Well, let me ask you this…
What if you could literally SHIFT the way you looked at all your bad past relationships and patterns… and use them not as a reason to be powerless now and suffer, but as educational life experiences that made you the wiser?
Whether you’d like to admit it or not, there’s a part of your mind that you aren’t entirely aware and conscious of that pulls some strings behind the scenes.
And because of this part of your mind, your negative past experiences in relationships cause you to have “automatic” reactions in the present that are based on your past wounds.
Quick aside-
If you don’t believe you have any experiences in the PAST that cause challenges in the way you see and respond to the PRESENT… then you’re probably not paying attention to yourself and where your feelings are REALLY coming from.
After literally years of reading and research and speaking to hundreds of women who have recurring relationship “issues”… there’s one thing I see that can help a woman transform her love life no matter where she or her relationship is at-
And that one thing is KNOWING YOURSELF on a level intimate enough to accept your own fears and imperfections… and to stop BLAMING OTHERS for them.
By the way, I spent years of my life frustrated that I wasn’t getting and experiencing what I wanted… and I blamed EVERYONE BUT MYSELF for all of it.
But ironically, at the same time, deep down I blamed myself because I wasn’t very LOVING and AWARE of who I really was inside.
But this isn’t about me.
The point is…
As long as you’re blaming other people (Men) for your fears and anxieties… you can’t begin the process of CHANGING YOUR PATTERNS and growing from the inside.
Once you step back and become more AWARE of what’s beneath the surface of every fear, every anxiety and every frustration you have in love…
Then you can begin the process of CHANGING those destructive patterns.
It’s ironic that to grow and expand our lives to include more love… we have to face more of the areas that make us feel UNLOVED.
I am endlessly fascinated by how our earlier experiences and relationships with others SHAPE our behavior… and that we may not always be aware of why we do what we do.
Or why people do things to us.
I discussed the topic of PERSONAL AWARENESS in love and relationships with a special friend of mine recently… and the power it has to transform our lives in nearly an instant once we become “clear”.
My friend, KT, has a very unique perspective on what kinds of things SHAPE women and their ROLES that play out in their relationships with men.
Besides of things like childhood experiences, genetics or even our gender… she believes that there are other, more “timeless” forces at play when it comes to the way our personalities, relationships and our fates come together.
She also agrees with me that before you can have ANY kind of loving and fulfilling relationship with a man, you have to first know what forces have shaped your life, and how your relationship to your loved ones have influenced how you relate to others NOW.
KT is a pretty amazing woman.
She has helped literally hundreds of thousands of men and women learn more about themselves and how their own personalities and experiences have shaped their relationships.
KT is the one of the world’s leading and most knowledgeable women in an area of understanding people and “personality types” that has been around for literally THOUSANDS of years.
I’m talking about Astrology.
(By the way, my take on Astrology is that even if you don’t understand or have faith in the art and science of Astrology- there is a TON to look at and learn about people and about YOURSELF through this ancient “lens”)
Back to KT, and how she should matter to you.
KT is originally from Sydney, Australia, where she grew up and developed a passion for astrology as a child.
As an adult, she came to the U.S. and realized that there was much more to astrology than just horoscopes.
She learned there was an ancient wisdom and science to how the planets affect our lives. It’s because of this she decided to dedicate her life to the study of astrology.
She previously co-founded the world’s most popular websites on astrology, and continues to help tons of people get in touch with their astrological “selves”.
KT and I spoke about something fascinating recently that I was so excited about that we had to record it for others to hear.
We talked about how when we develop a deep level of understanding for ourselves and for all people, we then begin to develop an ACCEPTANCE of the way things are.
And this acceptance is at the core of what allows us as humans to break out of the patterns of MISTRUST, of HURT, and of frustration and feeling powerless in our lives.
During my interview with KT, she shared some fascinating insights into how astrology can bring greater understanding to not just the relationship you have with yourself and that one special man- but ALL your relationships.
Here are a few of the many things KT shared:
-How to develop such great intuition that you never again have to wonder if he’s into you… or if he’s the right man for you… because you will know, without a doubt, that it’s the right or wrong situation from the start
-How comparing one specific aspect of your chart with your lover’s can tell you INSTANTLY whether or not you’ll be able to have honest and effortless communication… so you don’t waste your time trying to CHANGE something that wasn’t meant to be
-Where and how to get free, personalized information about your astrological profile so you can start understanding right away how COMPATIBLE you are with your partner
-How to know you’re going down the WRONG DIRECTION in life… without asking anyone for their opinion or waiting to see what the outcome will be. This is an ability everyone can develop and use in order to remain “true to yourself” at all times (especially when it comes to men and relationships)
-Do you ever feel like you don’t fit into the “mold” of traditional society? Are you easily smothered in relationships? Learn what planetary aspect shapes your ability to FIT IN.
-Is your guy commitment phobic? This astrological sign has a reputation for being the “BACHELOR OF THE ZODIAC” so if you’re dating a guy with this in his chart… watch out! He may never settle down.
-When you do THIS one thing, a man may come back to you even if you were convinced he was gone for good. (But be careful, this is not a technique to use if you’re not really FEELING IT)
-What it means when Mercury shows up in your astrological chart… especially if you have a tendency to blurt things out without thinking or “put your foot in your mouth” a lot…
-How to know if your relationship was “fated” from the start… or even if you had known each other in a previous life… and what that REALLY means for your future together
-Why it’s CRITICAL to learn your planetary compatibility with a man EARLY ON, before you get too deeply and emotionally involved together
-A quick and easy way to figure out if you and a man have long-term potential for having good communication… and what to do if your communication styles totally CLASH
-If your friends seem to dislike every man you’ve dated it’s probably because you have this planetary influence in your chart… if you find out you have this as part of your personality, it can change the way you view everything and everyone in your life
-3 different ways to “get grounded” during the day instead of bouncing around from one emotion to the next
-How knowing where the sun and moon were in relationship to each other on the day you were born can tell you fascinating things about your parent’s relationship that day (which is important in figuring out how that affected your own
relationships now)
-How to find out the right TIMING for having a serious “talk” with your man, or making an important decision, or starting a new project. (Tip: Fridays are better days for intimacy and talking about your connection)
-The one thing that surprised KT more than ANYTHING about astrology in all the years she’s been studying it, and what it says about human nature
-And a whole lot more…
I learned so many new things about determining incredible compatibility with a man, how your personality types “gel” and what to do if you have different communication styles, that I decided to release it as January’s edition of my “Monthly Interviews With Dating And Relationship Experts” series.
I’m sure that if you’re a subscriber to this great series, you’re already excited about the CD that is going to be coming to your mailbox very soon. Stay tuned!
If you’re not a subscriber, and would like to know what this series is and how you can get a FREE copy of my latest interview with KT The Astrologer, keep reading, or go here:
Every month I interview professional dating coaches, relationship counselors, psychologists, authors or, in this case, world-renowned experts, and ask them specific questions, like:
“How do you know the man you’re on a date with is a good guy or a potential disaster?”
“What is the best and quickest way to get over a painful breakup?”
“How do you stop a divorce and get your spouse to want you again?”
And every month, a group of amazing women who subscribe to this monthly series get a CD in their mailbox with an hour to two hour long audio recording of my latest in-depth interview with a new expert.
(Often these are experts you’d have to pay literally hundreds or thousands of dollars to get their time and attention to answer your questions.)
KT doesn’t do many “personal readings”, save for friends and family nowadays.
But I was lucky enough to dig deep into her insight and experience helping women find, pick and enjoy the right relationship for them using both the wisdom of the stars, powerful insights into personality traits, and real world relationships tips and advice that works.
Long story short, KT has an incredible way of taking what feels like impossibly confusing and complex questions and issues that come up in relationships with men… and making them delightfully simple and clear to understand and move through.
If you want to get your hands on my interview with KT The Astrologer, I’m going to make it very easy for you.
Click on the link below and I’ll mail you my latest Interview with KT on CD for you to listen to at home, in the car, wherever.
It’s part of my Monthly Interviews, which you can try out free by going here:
And if that wasn’t enough to help you create an amazing shift in your love life…
I’ll sweeten this for you with a few bonuses to make sure you can’t pass up the amazing and inspirational lessons KT shared-
If you let me know you’d like to check out my Interview with KT, I’ll not only ship you the Interview with KT on CD and pay up front for the shipping on my end…
But I’ll give you:
- My latest interview with KT The Astrologer that is yours to keep
- Two more Free bonus interviews from the best-of-the-best of the series- also yours to keep no matter if you decide to continue your subscription or not
- A complimentary 30 day trial for my Monthly Interview series. (Here I’ll send you a great new Interview once a month… and if you don’t feel that you’re getting 5 times your investment with these- you can cancel anytime and not pay a thing)
You can get this all now right here:
I’ll tell you what-
If you’re like me, there’s not a lot of people in your life right now saying,
“Hey, I’d love to help you grow and be happy in your relationship, and in your life in general. Let me invest my time and money up front to help you.”
I love it when people are this way with me, and offer to help me before asking anything in return.
That’s why I’m extending this to you- because it’s how I like to be treated.
And just to make this a bona-fide no-brainer… as I said, I’ll even take care of the expense of shipping these materials to you too so you can check them out and listen and learn at literally zero risk and cost to you.
That’s truly a no-brainer.
If someone offered this to me, I don’t think I’d hesitate for a moment to accept and at least see if what they had to offer was valuable for me.
And I don’t think you should hesitate either.
There’s really nothing to lose here, and so much to learn and gain.
Let me send you my Interview with KT, and 2 other free bonus Interviews.
If you love the Interviews (and I know you will) then keep them, enjoy all 3 free Interviews, and next month you can decide if you want to continue and pay a tiny amount after getting my next great Interview delivered to your doorstep on CD.
It’s really that simple.
Get tons of amazing insight, inspiration, and real world in-depth advice and tips delivered to your door on CD from some of the very top people out there helping women in their love lives and relationships.
Get started now right here:
Now, you might be thinking, what’s the catch?
I’ll be frank with you-
The “catch” is that I’m betting you’ll get so much out of connecting with me and the amazing people I am lucky enough to Interview that I’m sure you won’t want to stop learning and growing along with me.
Now, of course you could “take advantage” of me here and get all this incredible insight others would have to pay literally hundreds or thousands of dollars for, and simply get all these freebies and be done with it.
But I like to trust people, and I believe that if you provide value, they will return the favor and provide for you in return.
In short, I like to GIVE first.
I know that since you’re reading this, you’re the kind of woman who is truly interested in growing more as a woman, and learning to love and share more deeply in your life.
So if I can help you in any way, regardless of whether you sign up for my ongoing Monthly Interview Series… I’ll feel great about having given a lot on my end to you.
Bottom line- the decision is yours.
All you have to do to bring GROWTH and new levels of AWARENESS and wisdom into your love life is simply try these Interviews out and give them a listen.
There’s literally zero obligation here.
The only thing is…
***YOU HAVE TO ACT by Tuesday January 8th, 2008
in order to get my latest interview with KT The Astrologer.
Because after the 8th I will have shipped out every single last copy of the Interview, and I won’t be creating any more copies ever again.
So NOW is the time for you to get your hands on this mind-expanding and heart-opening Interview.
Go here now to get your free copy of my amazing audio interview with KT the Astrologer on CD:
Oh… and one more thing Martin-
It’s about those BAD RELATIONSHIP PATTERNS that so many women find themselves repeating over and over.
Have you ever found yourself doing the same destructive things or staying with a man you KNEW was wrong for you, but you couldn’t help yourself?
Have you ever been in an on again/off again relationship where you break up, he tells you he misses you and loves you and wants you back, so you get back together…
Only to break up again a few weeks later because NOTHING has really changed?
I hear this all the time from women who e-mail me asking for help with their relationship dilemmas.
What they’re not realizing is that there is a deeper issue at hand here, and it’s not learning some new technique or simple script that is going to magically solve all their love life problems.
The deeper issue is WHY they’re with the WRONG MAN in the first place, and why they stay in the relationship even when it’s obviously not healthy or has zero future potential.
If you’re in an unsatisfying relationship, have you asked yourself why you continue to try to make it work?
And if your last relationship failed because he said you were too jealous, too emotional or too smothering, how do you think you’ll be when you finally meet the ONE GUY you are really meant to be with?
Will he feel the same way about you or will he pass you over?
Here’s something for you to consider-
What if the only person standing in the way of true love and happiness in your life is YOU?
If you don’t have any problems right now, and you are CONFIDENT that you always make the right choices in your love life, then that’s great!
You probably don’t need to read any more of this email.
But if you find that you have “issues” that affect the relationship you have with a man, that cause you to feel more fear, doubt, anxiety and worry than real intimacy and connection… then keep reading.
My “Ready For Love” program is designed to help women like you learn valuable insights and skills to UNCOVER the hidden issues and start the process of healing all the underlying feelings that are keeping you from really being happy and finding the right man for your life.
In this CD/DVD program, you’ll learn:
- A big mistake women make when “waiting” for Mr. Right that actually PREVENTS you from meeting and ATTRACTING him in a natural and authentic way when he comes along
- The single biggest reason a man is MAGNETICALLY DRAWN TO YOU for more than just a short fling or “casual relationship” (When a man recognizes this inside you… his past reasons for “not wanting anything too serious” will simply vanish)
- A simple but powerful 6-step, 10-minute exercise that allows you to get over any past bad situation or experience you had with a man that is still bothering you… and permanently expel it from your mind no matter how severe
- How to stop your emotions from allowing you to make bad decisions that could jeopardize your relationship
- And much more…
If you find that you have a hard time keeping your own composure around men…
Or if you recognize that you can’t really let go and let yourself RECEIVE or be loved because of your fears of pain from the past…
Then I STRONGLY SUGGEST you take a look at the way to create a small “shift” inside your own heart and mind that will change the kind of “energy” a man feels when he’s with you…
And allow you to ATTRACT THE RIGHT MAN from the inside out.
It’s time you set free all the love and passion you have inside to give, share and receive.
Time waits for no one.
Go here now and make sure that when love comes calling, you don’t keep yourself from opening the door:
Now… I want to do something special for you-
Because the interview with KT The Astrologer is a great way to start on the road to true SELF DISCOVERY AND UNDERSTANDING…
I would like to send the Interviews to you as a free bonus if you’re ready to make a shift in your love life with the help of my “Ready For Love” program.
If you’re ready to learn, grow, and love more deeply… then here’s what you’ll get:
1) My 5 DVD or 8 CD “Ready for Love” program to listen to or watch for a whole month and decide whether or not you want to keep it before paying a dime.
I’ll even pay for shipping so there are no up-front costs.
2) A copy of my latest Interview with KT The Astrologer on CD. Yours to keep no matter what you decide later
3) 2 of my best Interviews from the past on CD free (also yours to listen to and keep regardless)
4) An amazing new audio Interview shipped to your doorstep so we can keep talking and connecting each month (But only if decide you want to stay with the Interview program- no obligation)
There’s only one thing I need from you if you want to get all of this for yourself-
I need you to ACT BEFORE Tuesday January 8th.
After the 8th you won’t be able to get the Interview with KT.
Don’t wait. Amazing shifts in your love life, and in the way you share and experience love and your relationship are not only possible…
But the opportunity to do something for yourself and create this change from within you is in front of you right now.
I suggest you make the choice to grow (at the very least just for your own well-being and future) and try out my Ready For Love program, along with all these amazing free bonuses.
If you’re ready, go here now to restart your love life with the help of my “Ready For Love” program and the Interviews as your free bonuses:
I hope you make this a great year for breaking out of those bad relationship patterns and finally find your Mr. Right for an amazing and fulfilling relationship.
I’ll talk to you again soon, and best of luck in Life and Love,
Your Friend,
Christian Carter
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