In this email I’m going to show you a simple free tool you can use that will tell you:
- What kind of “energetic connection” you and your man share, and the 4 tell-tale areas of how you relate are largely responsible for what’s working and not working in your relationships
- Why you might be both out of touch in the way you TALK, and in the way you are sexual and intimate
- Where you and he are most prone to CONFLICT
- How to go about resolving your natural areas of conflict and difference for a relationship filled with easy understanding and love
Keep reading to find out how to get a free report outlining how you and your man score in the 4 essential areas of relationship compatibility…
As well as a special hour long audio program that will tell you WHAT TO DO in your relationship now that you’ll know where you and your man are in or out of ALIGNMENT with each other.
Let’s get down to the bottom of what’s working in your relationship, what isn’t, and WHY.
Along with the free tool I mentioned earlier.
I recently learned something amazing that I want to share with you.
It’s about how you can know whether you’re TRULY COMPATIBILE with your partner or not.
Plus, how to take this new knowledge you’ll have about your relationship and use it to jump-start your old relationship…
Or know if it’s time to call it quits and go out and find a great new one.
Would knowing a simple and easy way to do this sound good to you?
Good. Then keep reading.
I’ll start explaining the thing I recently found out about compatibility with how it relates to WHO YOU ARE ATTRACTED TO, and why.
You know how you can feel INCREDIBLY ATTRACTED to someone and have crazy chemistry in the beginning?
And you’re sure that this is finally that one great person you’ve been looking for.
You just feel so in tune with this person, and the ENERGY you feel in them makes you feel great.
But then it happens…
Somewhere down the line something comes out about who they really are and WHAM! it hits you.
This person isn’t really the person you thought they were at all.
They aren’t even the person you’ve been getting to know all this time and felt wild and crazy about.
It’s only at this time, when you’re feeling the pain, do you stop yourself and remember that “Oh yeah, chemistry and how I feel at first actually is NOT a good predictor of whether things will work out or not.”
Of course, everyone likes to think that they’re a great judge of character- until it turns out that they aren’t.
And most women (and men) follow that initial spark as the guiding light for whether or not to try and pursue a relationship with this new person.
But is this the best way to go about it if you really and truly want a real, loving, lasting relationship.
Well, I’ll say this…
When you meet a new man, often times weeks, months or maybe even years later the energy of the relationship shifts… and suddenly nothing is as it was in the beginning.
He’s suddenly distant and withdrawn.
You feel tired and unappreciated.
You have a hard time just having much fun together.
There’s hardly any real connection happening.
And everything, including getting him to take out the trash becomes a power struggle.
The relationship eventually ends, and you’re left wondering why you couldn’t have seen it coming.
What happened?
The real question is-
*If this turned out to so clearly NOT be the right man and the right relationship for you…why were you so thoroughly convinced that it was in the beginning?
Why were you so attracted to him in the first place, if it wasn’t meant to be in the long-run?
It’s at this point that lots of women get down on themselves.
They start to think that they’re just awful and hopeless at picking the right man.
Or worse…
They start believing that men are all just a bunch of losers who are incapable of sharing a real relationship.
Trust me, things just get worse when you’re a woman in this place in her life.
Don’t go there!
If you’ve had a hard time picking the right men, or falling into relationships that don’t work, then listen up…
I’m going to suggest to you something that might seem new and a little radical to you at first.
When it comes to why some relationships work, and others don’t, you aren’t in control of all of this as much as you’d like to think you are.
In fact, there’s an underlying factor at play that most women just don’t know anything about.
More importantly, this factor isn’t something most women are entirely CONSCIOUS of.
I’m going to show you what this is and how it plays a large part in why you might find yourself consistently attracted to men and situations that NEVER WORK OUT.
I’ll also show you that there’s a proven way to know if a man is really THE RIGHT KIND OF GUY for you BEFORE you give him all your time and attention- just by knowing a few simple things about him.
Here’s what I’m talking about…
I’ll explain-
What if I was to tell you that the way in which we’re compatible, or not compatible, doesn’t have to do with the conscious choices we make, or the way we act in one situation or another.
What if I was to tell you that the compatibility you and a man share is really all about how you interact and affect each other on an ENERGETIC LEVEL?
This might sound a little bit “out there” to you at first, so let me bring it down to Earth for you.
When I say “Energy“, I’m not talking about some airy-fairy stuff that does or doesn’t exist and has to do with mushrooms, elves, and aliens.
I’m talking about the essential element that makes all things move and keep moving.
I’m talking about the thing behind why you can stand next to one person and feel “uplifted”, or be next to another person and feel “creeped out”.
That’s not because the person we’re next to is saying anything to us.
It’s because their ENERGY affects us and we have a reaction to them inside our body.
The same silent energetic exchange is going on between you and the man in your life at all times.
Regardless of whether you’re actually talking or saying anything to each other or not.
You already know this to be true, because when your man is distant, it’s not just his body language that affects you…
It’s the way his ENERGY affects you that has a real impact and stirs up not so great feelings and EMOTIONS inside you.
Now that you’ve got a sense of what I’m talking about here, how does this work, and what can it do to help you have a great relationship?
Great questions.
Get this…
2 new friends of mine, Frank Seifert and Larry Michel, recently shared something fascinating with
And it’s the reason I’m talking to you about the importance of how you and a man interact on an “energetic” level.
Have you ever heard the saying that men tend to marry women who remind them of their mothers and women tend to marry men who remind them of their fathers?
It’s a bit “Freudian” and maybe a little creepy, but there’s an underlying truth here-
We tend to be attracted to people who remind us in some way of our parent of the opposite sex.
Of course it’s not something we CONSCIOUSLY choose to do.
It’s just something that happens because on an unconscious level we are most comfortable with someone we feel familiar with.
Someone who “speaks our language”.
Well, a few months ago I met Frank and Larry, they started telling me everything they’ve discovered about how our energy plays out in our relationships in this way…
Along with what it has to do with knowing if a person is the right long term relationship partner who we’ll be truly COMPATIBLE with, or not.
Frank and Larry have spent the last 28 years developing a system that can show you, with shocking accuracy and insight, how and where you and a man are compatible, or incompatible.
And they’ve boiled it all down to 4 simple but essential areas of Compatibility, or “traits” as they call them, that they can show you using an online tool they’ve put together.
When you and a man share the same traits, it’s a recipe for easy understanding and free-flowing love.
When you and a man have different traits, it’s a source of CONFLICT in your relationship.
Their online tool can show you exactly how all this lines up in your relationship.
Without diving too deep here, let me share a quick overview with you of what these traits are.
Then I’ll show you how you can get your hands on this insightful and revealing tool for free as a special bonus that comes with a special interview I did with Frank & Larry explaining in-depth how all this works and what it can do for you.
There are lots of things we think about or worry about when we’re not sure where our relationship is headed.
Actually, there are so many things that sometimes we overwhelm ourselves with so many thoughts and feelings running through our head about what to do, or what things mean.
Along these lines, you should know something important.
It’s a kind of “natural law” that operates on almost everything that’s going on around us.
I’m talking about THE 80/20 RULE.
In short, 80% of the things that happen around us come from or are caused by just 20% of the factors involved.
For example, if you went looking for a new job, focusing on a certain 20% of the right companies or people who could refer you best is likely to get you 80% of your results.
And… focusing on the wrong 80% (not the best 20% that can have the most impact) won’t get you much in the way of results at all.
Without getting too complex here, the same is true for the things that are responsible for the quality of our relationships, and whether or not we are compatible with someone or not.
What’s at the heart of your relationship is really just about a few core essentials.
Everything else are details.
Here are the core 20% essentials that Frank and Larry have discovered after 28 years of research, observation, and helping men and women find the right relationships that work effortlessly:
Compatibility really comes down to 4 Traits.
The 4 “traits” that determine whether or not you and a man will be truly Compatible and have an easy time feeling in sync and connected on an energetic level are what are called:
- Your “Talking Style”… and what this has to do with whether or not you have what’s called “True” or “False” ATTRACTIONS with a man
- Your “Activity Level”
- Your “Financial Logic” (In a long term relationship, how you both handle money and finances really does matter!)
- Your “Sexual Response Type”
Now, you might have thought about things like this before and how they affect your relationship. (How you talk, activity level, finances, and how you feel and respond sexually and sensually)
If you have, that’s great.
You’ve got a little leg up on this already.
But these things go much deeper, and the power is in knowing for sure what traits you and a man share, how they work, and what to do about them.
Now, I usually don’t do this… but this amazing system and set of tools my friends have created have been helping so many men and women better understand what’s going on in their relationships, and why… that I decided that I had to share what they’ve found with the women I’m closest to.
I’ve been lucky of enough to get Frank and Larry to share part of their amazing system they call “Match Matrix” free with all the women I’m closest with who are a part of my monthly interview community.
If you’re part of my monthly audio community, then stay tuned…
Because I’m going to be emailing you soon so you can get all these answers about your relationship free online.
Along with Frank & Larry’s best personal tips and insights on how to find the right relationship, or get your relationship on track using these key areas of Compatibility.
If you’re not part of my closest circle of women who get to share and listen to a new audio CD each month with my best new tips and insights…
Then I suggest you join me and the other amazing women that are part of my monthly audio community.
That way you too can get this amazing set of free tools from Frank & Larry.
This set of tools will show you:
-The 2 “talking styles”, whether you and your man share the same style, and how this affects the way can connect on an everyday level without trying so your relationship is EASY to enjoy for both of you
-What FALSE ATTRACTIONS are, and how and why to avoid them
-What TRUE ATTRACTIONS look and feel like with the right man
-Why you begin to start feeling annoyed or angry at everything he says or does when you’re with a man who doesn’t share your “Talking Style”, and how to handle this situation
-Why you might feel DRAINED when you’re with a man, even though you love him and want things to work
-What having DIFFERENT FRIENDS than he does says about your Compatibility, and why this often has one person in the relationship feeling like they’re giving too much or missing part of themselves or their life
-The importance of sharing the same SENSE OF HUMOR, and how this can make or break a relationship without you or him ever knowing why
-Why your man might try in his own way, but you FEEL unloved or unappreciated, no matter what he tells you. (And it frustrates him too.)
-Lots more in depth details about YOUR specific relationship, once you put in your information into their system
There are many different ways in which couples can connect and be compatible. They can have the same values, they can be very compatible sexually, they can have a lot of the same interests and hobbies.
BUT… if at the core level you don’t connect just in the way your energies mix with each other, then every other aspect of your life together will eventually suffer or become a struggle.
The attractions you feel at the beginning will NOT be able to sustain your relationship for the LONG-TERM.
Right now you’re probably asking yourself, yeah but – how can you be so SURE of this, Christian?
How can this one little aspect be such a sure predictor of relationship success?
The fact is, I didn’t know about this myself until I sat down with Frank & Larry and they opened my eyes to what they’ve found about relationships on an energetic level.
But it’s a unique way of understanding love, attraction and why your relationship is the way it is.
Oh, and this isn’t JUST about romantic relationships.
Their report will show you all about yourself, and can tell you about relationships with your friends, your children, your co-workers, whomever.
That’s because these all have to do with what’s happening on a deeper level beyond your words, but how you and those you’re closest to affect each other energetically.
Frank & Larry have really put the puzzle pieces together that will help you see the whole picture.
I can’t wait for you to have the CLARITY and answers that come from the system Frank and Larry have developed.
If you’re ready, here’s what I’m going to do…
To help you really use the power of their system… I got Frank and Larry to sit down and explain the SECRETS of their amazing system with me, and help me bring this information to you in an easy and simple way.
Now I’m inviting you to discover what’s happening in these 4 Areas of YOUR OWN LIFE and your most special relationship with everything Frank & Larry and I have put together for you.
To get access to this amazing set of tools, all you need to do is be a part of my monthly interview series community, which you can try out for your first month absolutely free.
It’s really that simple, and free to try.
If you join my monthly audio interview community right now, you’ll be getting all of the following:
-Your very own free Relationship Compatibility & Communication Report using Frank and Larry’s incredible system (I’ll be emailing each and every women who’s a part of my Interview Community in the next couple of days on where to get their
free report)
-An eye-opening audio interview with Frank & Larry that shows you in-depth how all this works, and how to put all this incredible information about your relationship to work for you so that things become EASY for love and good energy to flow
-2 Free Bonus Audio Interviews with two of my very favorite experts who do amazing work helping women like you find the love and relationship they’re looking for
-A Free Trial to my Monthly Interviews (you can decide if you want to continue with these powerful audio lessons after your first 30 days free- no obligation or sneaky hidden payments)
That’s it.
That’s really all you need to jump start your love life right now.
It really doesn’t get any easier.
All you need to do to have all this is to try out my Monthly Interview Series and be part of my inner-circle community.
And it’s a no-brainer.
Because it’s FREE to get started.
But only if you sign up RIGHT NOW.
All these freebies won’t be around if you wait and don’t sign up now.
In fact, to get you all of this, I’m going to need you to let me know if you’re in BEFORE-
****Thursday, February the 7th.
At 12:01am on FEBRUARY the 8th I can’t guarantee that I can get you all these freebies as part of the free trial to my monthly interview community.
So don’t wait.
Sign up now, and you’ll get all this shipped to you, and I’ll email you in the next couple of days so you can put in your information online and get your free Compatibility Report from Frank & Larry’s unique system.
And if you’re not a subscriber to my monthly audio series AND you haven’t read my eBook yet either… NOW is the time.
I’ll make you a special offer.
If you’ve been reading my newsletter and learned a few things that have helped you… it’s time you went deeper.
Sign up for the free report from Frank & Larry and their special Interview, and I’ll let you try my eBook for free along with all this.
All you have to do is to use this link to order directly, or go to the Catch Him and Keep Him ebook page where you can read all the details on my eBook, and there will be a special offer for my Interview Series along with this.
If you’re not 100% convinced that knowing all this at zero up front cost to you is worth at least trying, read on…
During my interview with Frank and Larry, which I recorded, here are just a few of the tips and secrets they shared as it relates to the free Compatibility Report you can get:
-How comparing 4 PRIMARY TRAITS with your man’s can completely transform the way you connect with each other… by eliminating resentment and frustration over things like money, sex, and emotional intimacy.
-Exactly WHY so many women keep being attracted to men they can’t get along with or who have no long-term potential… once you hear this, it will be the “aha” moment that will change your love life forever
-The #1 reason you KEEP GOING BACK to a man who you love and are deeply attracted to…even though it never works out or feels quite right…and how to BREAK the cycle once and for all
-Why the level of CHEMISTRY and ATTRACTION you feel for a guy the first time you meet is NOT an indication of whether or not it’s the RIGHT guy for you…learn what to look for instead (and trust me, you don’t have to settle for someone you don’t feel chemistry with)
-Is there HOPE for your relationship or marriage if you’re having a hard time communicating or connecting? Learn the factor that can help you decide to stay or move on
-What to do when you know it’s not working and you’re incompatible at the core…a SMART CHECKLIST that helps you decide what to do based on your real needs and particular situation
-Comparing just ONE aspect of your personality can actually explain why he may prefer to “chill out” at home while you want to hit the town, or vice versa, and what this says about the future of your relationship or marriage
-What to do when you’re not connecting SEXUALLY anymore. Maybe he’s not romantic enough, sensual enough, attentive enough…there is a REASON why and it has NOTHING to do with whether or not he’s attracted to you. What’s going on and what to do about it.
-The #1 reason why people get DIVORCED…and why it won’t affect the quality of YOUR relationship if you have these other 3 areas in sync
-Where to find FAST, FREE INFORMATION on figuring out if you’re truly compatible with your man so you can know immediately where you stand in your relationship
-How to stop fighting about MONEY by taking these simple steps to get on the same page and take the pressure off
-And many more to amazing insights to help guide you in your relationship
Ready to get your free report, and the detailed interview showing you what to do now that you know how and where you and your man are aligned?
Good. Then go here and sign up for a free 30 day trial of my Monthly Interview Series and my Catch Him and Keep Him ebook.
The fact is, you can spend your ENTIRE LIFE going from one relationship to another, and sometimes even invest many, many years with someone with whom you’ll never be completely happy.
Don’t spend your whole life doing what isn’t working…and will never work.
You can’t help who you’re attracted to. You either feel the connection, or you don’t. But this system is NOT about forcing yourself to be with someone who you’re not attracted to.
It’s about meeting someone, feeling powerful attraction, and then BEFORE you invest your heart into a relationship, seeing exactly what the long-term prospects are before you get too involved.
That way, you can make INFORMED and logical decisions and CHOOSE who you want to pursue a relationship with, and why…
Instead of fumbling around blindly in your love life and wondering “why does this keep happening to me over and over?” when your next relationship doesn’t work out.
You simply cannot miss out on learning everything you can that Larry and Frank have to show you about yourself and your relationships.
It will change your life.
If you’re NOT a subscriber to my series, get with it.
Get inspired and start learning and growing in the easiest way possible- having me share with you my best new stuff on audio each month, on a simple CD delivered to you in the mail.
Get started now free right here to get all this and my Catch Him and Keep Him ebook.
There’s no obligation to stay on this monthly community – although the thousands of other women who it’s helping are loving it.
I’ll talk to you again soon, and best of luck in Life and Love,
Your friend,
Christian Carter
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