Did you know that the thoughts in your own head are powerful enough to either:
A) Make a man feel intensely ATTRACTED to you and see you as a special and rare woman unlike any other he’s ever met
B) Have a man sense that something is “off” and want to stop seeing you altogether
It’s the unfortunate reality.
What you think, and what you do really can INSTANTLY make or break things with a man.
Especially when you’re in that “casual” stage where you and a man are just dating and there’s a whole lot of uncertainty.
The truth is…
A man can see one thing about you that he doesn’t like, and he’ll suddenly change his mind about you, even if things have been going great up until then.
Arggh! Why do men “scare” so easily when it comes to REAL FEELINGS?
There’s a way to skip that whole flighty and fickle thing about men and how they react.
Here’s the thing…
Think about a few women you know.
I’m sure you already know a women or two who is a truly great woman who wants nothing more to give and share love and a great relationship…
But even you sense and see the things going on inside of her that are keeping her from living a great life AND from finding and enjoying a healthy and loving RELATIONSHIP.
Now, imagine what it’s like when a man gets close to this woman and she gets into that fearful and uncertain place inside herself where she is even less centered.
Even if she’s beautiful, even if she’s all about wanting to love him, even if she’s willing to sacrific everything for him… how do you think what’s going on INSIDE HER makes the man feel when he’s around her?
And how do you think she deals with the everyday common uncertainties and questions that come up when you’re “dating” or starting a new relationship?
Right. She loses her cool and falls apart very easily… and pushes her man away.
What does this have to do with you?
The reality is, we like to think that other people who are obviously less “together” and more insecure than we are do things that are totally different than we do.
But the reality is, oftentimes in the heat of the moment we all respond in insecure and self-defeating ways out of FEAR and UNCERTAINTY.
How do you act when faced with a man’s UNCERTAIN FEELINGS about you, if you’re really into him?
Do you do more to ATTRACT HIM?
Or do you “accidentally” do more to REPEL HIM?
I’d like to show you exactly how to quickly and easily make a man feel that deep gut-level attraction with you… without you having to do some crazy thing or try and be someone else other than who you are.
Get started here:
Natural and Lasting Attraction
Or keep reading and I’ll show you more…
There are certain “mindsets” that women who are naturally successful in love have that draws men’s attention and interest.
These beliefs or “mindsets” trigger a very powerful response in a man. It tells him that this is a woman who is self-assured and knows what she wants and how to get it.
These beliefs also communicate that the woman is “higher status” and thus naturally compel a man to think she’s unique and someone worth his time and attention.
In other words, these are the “attitudes” a woman projects that make her irresistible to a man.
It’s what a woman is saying without actually saying it at all. She says it with her body language, with the way she carries herself and the way she behaves inside a relationship.
They’re BELIEFS because a woman actually believes these to be true about herself and her life.
The reality is that if things haven’t been working for you, and you’ve have some of the same negative patterns going on in your relationships several times… then you can’t just “wing it.”
At least not if you care about GROWTH and CHANGE in your life towards something better. (such as an amazing and lasting relationship with a great man)
Here are just a few of these beliefs that are at the foundation of what makes some women IRRESISTIBLE to men, without them even having to try:
-“I don’t let a man determine what I want/will have in my love-life.”
This kind of woman won’t “settle” for a man who isn’t giving her what she wants and needs, emotionally.
-“I’d move on and leave a man before I’d let him ruin my life.”
This woman won’t stay in a relationship that’s abusive, degrading or morally questionable. She also won’t put up with bad behavior from a man. Integrity and trust are important to her, and she lets him know that.
-“I wouldn’t keep a man from doing the healthy personal things he enjoys, or come between him and them because of my own fears or limitations.”
She knows that her man is an adult who has the right and freedom to make his own choices – and the more she tries to RESTRICT HIM, the less he’s going to feel open, free and empowered in being with her and sharing his life in all aspects.
She respects his “freedom” and his need to pursue his goals and dreams.
And that’s just for starters…
I’m just skimming the surface of what strategies and attitudes WORK to create intense attraction with a man.
The kind of attraction that guarantees he’s not going to “get weird” on you when you let him know how you’re feeling, because he’ll be feeling the same way.
The kind of attraction that has a man feeling shocked or surprised at how he’s feeling about a woman- because instead of seeing a committed relationship as “restrictive”… he’ll actually be the one wanting the relationship to grow deeper and lead it there.
Wouldn’t it feel great to have the guy you’re so attracted to be interested in something meaningful and “real” with you too? To where he’s the one asking you to do more things, share more things, and wanting to know that his love for you is reciprocated?
In my “Natural And Lasting Attraction” program I teach you how to develop and amplify certain qualities you ALREADY have that will make a man want to be with you… and only you.
You’ll learn the specific tips, behaviors and strategies for building and keeping a DEEP and intense level of ATTRACTION with a man.
Go here now to get some free tips on creating an intense level of ATTRACTION with a man, and check out some free video clips from my “Natural & Lasting Attraction” program:
Natural and Lasting Attraction
I’ll talk to you again soon, and best of luck in Life and Love.
Your Friend,
Christian Carter
P.S. If you’re ready to start using the simple and easy ways I’ve found that a woman can quickly create a deeper level of ATTRACTION inside a man, but you’re not entirely sure about wanting to spend your hard earned money to do so… I’ll make you a deal-
Let me know you’d like to know how attraction works for a man, and how to build the kind of LASTING ATTRACTION that holds a man close to you in a long term relationship… and I’ll ship you my “Natural & Lasting Attraction” program for free.
Then you can spend an entire 30 days using all the incredible tips, insights and materials in this program… and then decide if it’s really for you and something you’d be willing to invest in for yourself.
If it’s not, simply send it back and you won’t pay a thing. No questions, no hassles.
I know you’re going to absolutely LOVE this program, and even feel a little annoyed that you didn’t know all this sooner since it would have saved you a ton of time and unecessary heartache.
Start enjoying what it feels like to have the man in your life so into you that he can’t stop thinking about you and what you’ll do together next.
Get my “Natural & Lasting Attraction” program now right here:
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