Did you know that millions of women have tried to solve the EXACT SAME relationship issue with their man, and had things fall apart because they couldn’t find what to do about it? This one problem is likely responsible for more restless nights than cheap hotel sheets.
The problem is…
Why does a man gets SCARED AWAY when your relationship grows and it’s time for him to commit to you for the long-term?
If you don’t know exactly how to handle this critical situation with a man when things go from “casual” to feeling more “serious”…
And you don’t know the 3 mistakes most women make that are sure to trigger a man’s “withdrawal response”…
Then you HAVE TO read an article I wrote that gives answers to this the age-old problem.
Go here and read this article, and find out how my eBook “Catch Him & Keep Him” can help you now:
Now – if you’re single right now, I want your full attention.
Are you ready to stop spending your “quality time” at home alone- just you and your Pomeranian?
I mean, your dog is great and all.
But c’mon now.
Instead, what about spending your nights in the arms of a special man you can really connect with?
Sound better?
Good. Then I can help.
I want to make meeting a great guy, and starting a real healthy relationship, a reality for you.
But to change your luck, I’m going to need for you to understand something.
Do you know the most common reason why tons of great women DON’T have a great man in their lives?
Is it because inside they’re still holding on to their last relationship?
Is it because they think too much about it, and it will only come along when they relax and stop thinking about it?
Is it because there just aren’t any great guysout there who want relationships?
The truth is, it’s none of these.
I’ll tell you the most common reason why great women don’t have a great man in their lives-
It’s because most single women RARELY talk to men who they DON’T ALREADY KNOW.
Ok. I know, I know.
This might not sound terribly profound at first, or even that true.
But think about it for a second…
I want you to count up the growing number of brand new men you simply struck up conversations with in the last few days.
Was it 3?
Ok, and how many new men have you had a little chat with in the last few weeks?
Was it 8?
And how about the last month?
Now, I want you to think about any other single women you know and are close to.
How many new men have these women talked to lately?
I think you see what I’m getting at here.
I’m going to make a bold guess here.
I would guess that in the last few days you haven’t talked to a single new man who you’ve never talked to before.
Or if you have, it was simply because you “accidentally” were brought into a brief exchange of words over something trivial, like one of you needing the divider for the groceries at the check out line.
That doesn’t count as “talking” to a new man.
Here’s the thing…
It’s funny that we don’t always think about the SIMPLE THINGS that can make all the difference in our lives.
I mean, you’re looking to meet someone new, but you’re not even taking the time to engage in CONVERSATION with any new men?
Hmmm. Something here isn’t adding up.
Tip #1) Stop Using YOUR “Secret Excuse” For Not Meeting The Right Man
There’s a little secret excuse a lot of women carry around in their lives.
It’s a secret that, instead of keeping from other people, they keep from THEMSELVES.
This strange and mysterious secret lots of single women are holding on to is that they are NERVOUS when it comes to talking to men, and therefore rarely, if ever, do talk to men.
Now, we all get nervous.
And we all have things we are afraid of.
The difference is how you handle this when the nervousness or fear comes up inside you.
Oh… and here’s something else important you should know-
Men and women both suffer from this same secret excuse for not meeting people.
In fact, most men are MORE NERVOUS of approaching and talking to a woman they’ve never met than you might ever imagine.
Many are terrified.
There are actually people out there making their living helping men get over their fears of simply approaching and talking to women.
It’s that big of a deal for men.
So considering this, and considering the fact that you’ve started conversations with say, um, I’ don’t know… ZERO MEN lately… it’s no secret you’re still the best kept secret in town, my dear.
Tip #2) Decide You Want Things To Change
Let me ask you something directly and honestly, now that we’re getting down to it-
Is part of you unsure about what to do or say when you meet a new man?
Do you draw a blank when it comes time to start a conversation that isn’t just about everyday stuff… but could involve flirting, affection and a future date?
And is part of you uncertain about how to go about finding out what kind of guy a man REALLY IS?
And are you unsure about how to move confidently and safely from one step to the next with a man in the dating and relationship process so that everything goes smoothly?
Or do you worry things are going to go wrong and you’ll either end up wasting your time on an awful date with the wrong man… or you’ll THINK you’ve found a prince who actually turns out to be a toad?
If so, you’re not alone. Lots of smart, savvy, successful women just plain don’t know what it takes to talk to and connect with a great guy who they run into.
This might sound like a tough place to be, and that it feels impossible to find and connect with a great guy out there if you’re in this place.
But the GOOD NEWS is that it’s not so hard to get out of this place inside yourself.
I’ve helped literally tens of thousands of women change the “reality” of their love lives.
And all it took for them was 2 things:
- The DESIRE for change in their life
- Opening up to the right kind of help
Here’s a great place to start if you’re looking to get started right now:
Tip #3) Stop Thinking About Yourself As Single, And Start Thinking Of Yourself As ALIVE
Here’s something fascinating about how the world works…
The way we see ourselves has a HUGE EFFECT on how our lives operate.
If you’re single, and you’re having a tough time just meeting a decent man to talk to… then how is this changing the way you see yourself?
Are you more loving, confident, and accepting of yourself?
Or are you becoming closed off and feeling less and less beautiful inside and out as time goes on?
The unfortunate reality is that, if you’re afraid of being alone, and you continue to NOT find fun and interesting ways to meet a great guy… then this “negative” trend in the way you see and feel about yourself could continue downward.
And when this continues to happen, let’s say you actually do come across the right man.
What happens then?
You find good ways to SABOTAGE things because YOU don’t feel good about yourself. Or you find ways to TURN HIM OFF with your less than great attitude and feeling about yourself and the state of things in your love life.
Don’t do it.
This is all a sure-fire way to have BAD DATES that go nowhere and leave you feeling like you would have rather stayed home alone.
Oh… and here’s another one of the single biggest mistakes I see single women making who are looking for love, affection and a great relationship-
In their desire to have love and connection, they want to meet a new man.
But this energy and attention doesn’t always get clearly directed at meeting a new man and starting something good.
Instead here’s the mistake too many women make-
They “recycle” their old loves and flings.
Do you know any women who keep themselves physically or emotionally tied to an old flame who’s no longer any good for them?
Have you ever seen women you know in this pattern of “recycling” the old men and relationships, even though they weren’t good for them in the first place?
Does any of this sound familiar in YOUR LIFE?
If so, stop making this huge mistake that steals your energy, leads to unfulfilling relationships that take you nowhere…
And keeps you from being clean, clear, and available for the right man when you meet him.
Tip #4) Stop Wondering If He’s Interested, And ATTRACT HIM
Do you ever wonder how to know if a man is interested in you.
Here’s the shortest and most direct answer you’ll hear. And it’s the truth about men.
If he’s interested in you – HE’LL CALL YOU and ask you out.
It’s really that simple with men.
Which leads me to something you might not see right now if you’re asking the question of how do you know if a man is interested.
And that is-
You can avoid all the guess work…
And you can skip all the games…
If you do two things:
1) Stop thinking so much about every last detail and what it means (how long he waited to call, what he said and what it means, etc.)
2) Start doing the simple things that work to make a man feel ATTRACTION
Here’s something you might not know about men.
Men don’t choose women based on “logic”, or on which women is actually the “best” choice.
A man chooses a woman based on the way she makes him FEEL.
So put simply… if you make a man have that INTENSE FEELING when he’s around you that tells him you’re more than just another friend or fling, then he’s going to want more with you.
It’s really that easy.
The hard part is knowing how ATTRACTION actually works for a man, and how to have him feeling it when he’s around you.
When you know how to create that feeling of a deeper emotional connection with a man from the start, something magical can happen for you-
You can sit back and enjoy the ride as a man calls and pursues you.
And you can let go of all the worry, thinking, and analyzing you’ve done in the past when you weren’t sure that a man was really interested.
Stop wondering why he isn’t calling, and discover what the simple things are you can do to make a man feel INSPIRED to call and be with you.
For all my very best insights on how to connect with a man and make him feel that gut-level attraction with you that he knows isn’t just physical, but pulls at his heart-strings deep down…
Start by making sure you lead with something simple – FUN.
Too many women are so intent on having a great OUTCOME on a date, or when they meet a man, that they lose sight of enjoying everything that is and can happen in the PRESENT.
IF you find yourself thinking too much about what you want in your future, and if things will go your way when you meet a man… then you already know part of your own answer-
Become more PRESENT.
Start doing the things that make a man feel that undeniable attraction which makes being with you IRRESISTIBLE.
All my very best tips and insights for creating attraction with a man are right here in my “Natural & Lasting Attraction” program.
Feel free to let me know that you’d like to have me send it to you so you can try it free of charge to see if it really turns your love life around.
Take a full month to decide if it’s for you and if you want to keep it and pay for it.
It’s really that simple.
Go here now and get all the details on this amazing program on how to create attraction inside a man:
I’ll talk to you again soon, and best of luck in Life and Love.
Your Friend,
Christian Carter
P.S. If you haven’t gone and simply downloaded my best-selling eBook “Catch Him & Keep Him” then you need to do that right now.
If you’re not in the place in your life where you’re willing to open up to a new way of looking at life and relationships… then there’s not a whole lot I can do for you.
But if you’re ready to bring change and more love and affection into your life by helping men see you and understand you better, and by understanding them better…
Then go download my eBook and get started today.
My eBook is here for you to download:
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