I have a small confession to make.
I’ve been eavesdropping on some very interesting conversations recently among women.
These were women I didn’t know, who were out enjoying themselves and discussing their relationships with the men in their lives.
Anyhow, a common theme kept cropping up that got me wondering why these women I overheard or have been talking to are feeling the way they have been.
And it made me wonder if maybe you may be feeling a little bit of the same way lately.
So let me ask you.
Have you recently ended a relationship that was long, drawn-out, painful and seemed to drain you emotionally?
If so, then you might be in a place I’ve seen lots of other women in lately-
Where you’re left feeling like you just can’t allow yourself to let another man into your life, for fear of going through the same turmoil that has left you completely drained?
I’ve been hearing this a lot lately.
I’ve been hearing women talk about how now that they’ve finally gotten their life “back on track” after a painful breakup, they can’t afford to let their guard down and let another man into their lives.
To them, it would be a mistake to try again in love.
To ruin what seems like a “safe” situation by letting the possibility of love in again, only to be hurt or devastated in the process.
Have you ever found yourself feeling that way?
Perhaps you, too, have finally found the strength to get over the worst of it after the last relationship you were in ended.
You stopped thinking about him quite so much.
You stopped beating yourself up over every single thing you said and did that may have pushed him away.
You stopped letting thoughts of the relationship distract you from your friendships, your career, your hobbies and interests, or your family.
And you just can’t believe now how much you let this relationship get in the way of “what really matters” in your life.
So now that you’re single again, you wonder if it’s even a smart idea to think about meeting someone new.
Will the same thing happen again?
If you let another man into your life, will you end up in the same place you were before – frustrated and hurt?
Do most men really carry all these same issues?
One thing women start to do in this place in their lives is what I think of as an “emotional self-defense mechanism”.
It’s when you keep telling yourself that you’re really quite OK being alone, and you shut yourself, your heart, your body, even your sexuality off.
That way you have more control.
That way you’re “safe”.
But are you?
Here’s the thing.
You might have a great life.
You might have your career on track.
You might have amazing friends and family around you.
You might have it all together and be a real “catch” for the right man.
So then why is it that men don’t seem to really recognize or appreciate this?
Sometimes it evens seems like being so self-assured and independent actually TURNS MEN OFF.
It’s enough to make dating and trying to make things work with a man all over again seem like too much trouble.
Why “mess” things up by meeting a new man who just SEEMS great at first, but turns out to be a total Mr. Wrong within a few short days or weeks of meeting him?
It’s just not worth it, you think.
But tell me if, deep down, I’m a little right about something-
Even though you put up a tough and strong independent face on every day. you have this nagging feeling very deep down, that you really DON’T want to be alone in your life, and that you really do want or need someone special in your life.
And not just for a little while for some casual come and go, off and on relationship.
Not a “For Now” relationship.
But a FOREVER relationship.
You know the reality is that finding and keeping a nurturing and supportive LOVE in the form of a great man who cares, respects and desires you is something you are secretly dying to have.
You just don’t know how to get that for yourself, or you don’t know if you’re ready to handle all the “struggle” that goes along with finding the love of your life and trying to make things work.
Maybe sometimes you even wonder if you’ll just get too “comfortable” being alone and pretty soon years will go by and you’ll miss out on something that could be very, very good.
But you know, finding the right man and making it last doesn’t have to be a struggle.
As a matter of fact, I know from personal experience as well as talking to hundreds of happy couples, that finding and meeting “The One” can be one of the most rewarding and memorable weeks and months in a person’s life.
When you finally meet the one person who will make all the difference (in a positive way) in your life, suddenly, an entire new world opens up for you.
You feel more alive, more energized, more free to be yourself than you’ve ever thought possible.
And the best part is, that good feeling can last way past the passionate and easy “honeymoon” period. IF and only IF you know exactly:
- How to spot the right man from the beginning, and disqualify the kind of man who’s going to keep you in a constant state of struggle for a normal healthy relationship
- How to avoid the common mistakes that are so easy to make with men that can completely freak a good guy out and scare him away from wanting to take your relationship deeper.
If you’re sitting there thinking,
“Ok, that sounds great Christian, but I have no idea how to spot a great guy because I always end up with someone who turns out to be all wrong.
And you’re also thinking. “I can’t seem to keep a guy interested in me for a real relationship when I do meet someone I like.”
So what should you do?
I get it, and I’m glad you asked.
Because I’m going to give you a couple good tips in this email and then I’m going to point you in the right direction of what you can do to finally get the kind of relationship you’ve been dreaming about.
So let’s get started.
FINALLY MEETING A GREAT GUY TIP #1: Let Go of Doubt and Uncertainty
Imagine this:
You are at a social event and you meet a man who is smart, attractive, fun to talk to and seems interested in you.
He asks for your phone number.
He calls you a day or two later and you agree to go out on a date with him.
You’re a little apprehensive, but a little excited too because you really felt attracted to this guy.
Now he’s about to pick you up and you’re thinking about what the date is going to be like.
What kinds of things are you telling yourself?
Are you telling yourself that you’re going to have a good time getting to know him?
That it’s been a while since you’ve met such an interesting man and you’re excited about spending time with him?
Or are you wondering if he’s going to like you, if he’s going to think you’re attractive enough, if he’s going to turn out to be another loser who doesn’t know what he wants, if he’s going to be honest with you.
Stop before it’s too late.
You see, you’re already working against yourself if any or all of these kinds of things are going through your head.
There’s a great saying I’ve heard several people use lately. I’m not sure who said it first.
What you focus on GROWS.
So, knowing this. what if every time you meet a new guy, you keep going back to thoughts or THE PAST about what hasn’t worked, and what’s hurt you?
And what if, when you’re dating a man and you see a behavior in him you think is a sign of something negative you’ve seen before, you are still thinking, feeling, and reacting from the place of pain and fear you’ve felt with another man?
I’ll tell you what happens. Two things:
- You’re no longer present and in the moment
- You end up doing and saying things that only serve to place you deeper in your old patterns of behavior and response with men that lead to fights, disconnection and men turning away from you
It’s time you got off the roller-coaster, and put yourself on the ride you like.
You have the power, but it’s your choice.
What are you focusing on when you are with men?
How present are you with them, and with how you respond physically and emotionally to them?
Are you remembering and looking out for yourself because of what has NOT WORKED in the past?
Or are you creating what it is that YOU want in the now?
FINALLY MEETING A GREAT GUY TIP #2: Know When It’s a “Relationship” and When You’re Still Just “Getting To Know Each Other”
There’s one dating mistake that lots of women make that is worse than all the other ones out there put together.
I’ll share what this is with you, so you can make sure to avoid it.
How many times have you done this after a few dates with a guy:
- Wondered why he wasn’t calling you soon after a particularly intense date
- Waited to make plans with your friends or for yourself for the weekend until AFTER you knew what you were (or weren’t) going to be doing with him FIRST
- Got angry or annoyed when he didn’t return your call right away, or didn’t respond to your text or e-mail immediately, and you let him know it
- Started imagining or even hinting at going on an extended weekend getaway or vacation with him, even though he never brought up anything like that with you first
If you have done any of the above and then had the relationship mysteriously “fizzle out” shortly afterward, then you might be guilty of a very common attraction KILLER I call the “Instant Relationship.”
The Instant Relationship happens in the time period between when you first meet a man and BEFORE he makes a conscious decision that he’s in a real and committed relationship with you.
It’s simple, really.
YOU act, feel and think as though you and he are in a relationship.
Meanwhile, HE thinks you and he are “just dating” and getting to know each other.
YOU are thinking “commitment”, sexual exclusivity, automatic dates on weekends, future plans together.
HE is thinking, “I’m not sure how I feel about her quite yet. But I really love being with her.”
The disconnect comes when you do or say things that communicate the fact that you think the relationship is MORE than it is in his mind.
Suddenly, you seem extremely presumptive and NEEDY to him. A little creepy, actually.
Hmmm. very similar to how a woman feels when she goes on a date with a man who assumes she’ll go home with him that night, without even checking with her first to see if she’s interested in him that way!
If you want a fool-proof way to turn a man off, even if he was really “feeling it” for you in the beginning, lay on the “Instant Relationship” thingreal thick.
FINALLY MEETING A GREAT GUY TIP #3: Learn What It Takes to Meet and Attract Mr. Right
Do you know what it takes to meet the right man and have him hooked on you from the start?
When you spot an attractive man, do you find yourself wishing you could get his attention in some way, but you don’t have any idea what to do or say that doesn’t seem “desperate” or “pushy”?
Do you wonder why men never approach you, or do you keep “waiting” for the right man to come along?
When it comes to men and dating, feeling self-conscious, nervous and jaded are NOT great ways to meet and attract the love of your life.
In my “Meeting The One” program, I take you step-by-step through the process of WHERE to meet a quality man (it doesn’t have to be online), WHAT to do to spark his attention and interest and make him want to approach you and ask you out, and HOW to naturally take things from the casual “getting to know you” conversations into a real date and way beyond.
In this program you’ll learn how to start a potential relationship off on the right foot so you can take things where YOU want to go, and he’ll happily accompany you every step of the way.
You’ll also learn:
- How to make a man FALL IN LOVE with you (Here’s how to take it to “the next level” and get through that critical moment that is often the difference in a man falling in love with you or “moving on”)
- How to recognize when a man wants a relationship from you or just wants a physical relationship (Here’s how to avoid wondering and KNOW FOR SURE, every time)
- How to show a man that you are relationship material in a way that get him not only to SHARE his feelings with you and tell you exactly how he feels and what he is thinking (the best part is you can start doing this RIGHT NOW, even if you have already begun a relationship)
- And tons more.
And the best part is, that you can try my “Meeting The One” program for yourself for a whole month before you have to pay anything.
Watch the video or listen to the CD, skip to the sections that interest you, review the workbook and notes, and check it all out before deciding to keep it and pay for it.
I’m so confident that you’re going to love every single tip and piece of advice in this program that I have made this offer without risk to you.
If you love it, great! Just keep it and work with it, and watch your love life unfold in ways you could never imagine.
If you don’t think it’s quite right for you, that’s ok too. Simply return it to me within 30 days and I won’t charge you anything. Not even for the shipping.
Here’s where you can read more information about the program, get more tips like these, and watch some video clips:
Now, what if you have no trouble finding and meeting men?
What if you’re an absolute man MAGNET when you want to be, but the trouble isn’t meeting a man?
What if you simply are AFRAID to get involved with another man, because you’re still so angry and hurt from the last bad relationship you were in?
Is it possible that your internal feelings are simply PUSHING the good men away?
Is it possible that you’ve been unconsciously stuck in some destructive patterns that you’re not even aware of, that are keeping you from being truly happy and fulfilled in relationships?
If any of these scenarios ring true for you, then check out my program “Ready For Love” by clicking here:
My “Ready For Love” program will help you bust through all the obstacles, negative thoughts and fearful emotions that could be keeping you stuck in a loveless situation.
And my “Meeting The One” program is perfect if you need help simply learning where to find a great guy and how to get things started:
Let me know how it’s going in your love life.
I’ll talk to you again soon, and best of luck in Life and Love.
Your Friend,
Christian Carter
P.S. If you want the quickest way to jump-start your dating life or breathe new life into your relationship with a man, then I suggest you go download a copy of my eBook “Catch Him & Keep Him” right now.
Get your copy now and be reading in minutes by going here:
micheal says
if you are into relationship and the woman is dating another man and the same time the woman is looking for another relationship what are you going to do